The writing skills improvement is needed to achieve an academic success at the university. The written word is a tool of the legal profession. According to the wikipedia, writing is the representation of language in a texture medium through the use of a set of signs or symbols. One kind of writing is scientific writing. The definition of scientific writing is the way to write which never use the opinions but base on the data and facts. Scientific writing is one of a sylabus of writing 3 in PBI A students.
PBI A 2010 students are Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / English education students at A class 2010 periode. They are the students of Language and Art Faculty at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. There are 19 students at PBI A class. Students of PBI A are taught a scientific writing by Mr. Gunawan as a lecturer. Mr. Gunawan uses e-learning methode in teaching. The PBI A students got many theories about writing skills. In the end of each meeting, every student can send one of their own reflections as the result in studying English scientific writing to the website that the lecturer provided.
The definition of learning is a process where the attitude is made and changed through the exercise and experience. The students can not do something before, after they study, they can do.
According to Wittig (1981) in his psychology of learning, some learning process always takes place in 3 stages, they are:
• actuation
• Storage
• Retrieval
Study makes a lot of changes occur of the physical aspect. Benjamin S. Bloom said that the result of study belongs to three kinds of domain. The domains are cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. They contribute to the learning process.
The first aspect is cognitive domain. It is a domain that includes mental activity (the brain). According to Bloom, all efforts related to brain activity is included in the cognitive aspect. Associated with cognitive thinking skills, including ability to memorize, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate capabilities.
Based on the data at reflections of writing 3, all students have changed their paradigm of scientific writing. They wrote subjectively and based on opinion before. After learning, they get many improvements and know that scientific writing must be based on an objective statement. So that, they know what is scientific writing. They know how to be a good writer and decide the main topic. The students can consider that a good writing is not only using correct grammar, puntuations and a good diction but also must have cohesive and coherent correlation in each paragraph and each . At least they know about the rules of writing skills.
There are 11 students reflects that the tittle is a promise. They have to determine the whole paragraph into coheren and cohesive paragraph. Furthermore, the conclusion is their knowledge about writing assesment is better.
Psychomotor is the domain associated with the skills abilities after a person receiving a specific learning experience. Psychomotor domains are domains related to physical activity, such as running, jumping, painting, dancing, beating, and so on. Psychomotor domain of learning outcomes proposed by Simpson (1956) which states that the results of this study appear in the form of psychomotor skills (skills) and ability to act individually. Psychomotor learning outcome is actually a continuation of cognitive learning outcomes (understanding something) and affective and learning outcomes (the newly visible in the form of tendencies to behave).
There are two main psychomotor aspects that the students reflected at the website. They are writing skills and using Microsoft word skills. All the students say that they get the improvement in Microsoft word skills. 50 % student reflects that they do not know the function of thesaurus before. Actually they said that thesaurus is very useful for them. About 25% students said that they could use find and replace toolbar which they hardly ever use them. At least the students can have the skills about the rules of scientific writing although they often make mistakes more and more. Furthermore the students of PBI A get a great expeerience of e-learning methode.
Affective aspect is the domain associated with the attitudes and values. Affective domains of temperament include behaviors such as feelings, interests, attitudes, emotions, and values. Some experts say that the attitude one can predict the changes when someone has had high-level cognitive powers. The characteristics of affective learning outcomes will appear on the learners in a variety of behavior. Affective ability is including into more detail into five levels, namely, receiving, responding, valuing, and organization, characterization by evalue calue or complex
Based on the affective reflection, about 78% students think more scientifically and not objectively anymore. There are 73% students be more careful to write by considering facts. Their mindsets are being more open-minded at about 53% statements. There are five statements or about 27% shout that the students are more responsible, more respectable and more diligent in behavioral ability because of learning scientific writing skills. They are more courageous of themselves for studying by the mistakes. They also can think by their logic. It is reflecting as 47%. Others reflect that they are more dilligent because of the pressure of the deadline to collect writing assignment. The others say for being more accurate in using some diction, being interested in writing and curious about academic writing.
That’s all some improvements of writing skill in PBI A class. Learning is not by doing the only right rules but also by doing the mistakes. One thing that may they never forgot is “a tittle is a promise”. The more you write, the more confidence you will have in your abilities as a writer.
Essayku semester tiga.
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